I have collected these
health benefits of oatmeal from magazines, web articles and from
Other sources. I want to
share this with all of you. I hope you will also get some benefits.
Oats don't just lower cholesterol, they also remove it:
How does this health benefit work? Oats contain a special soluble finer. It's
known as beta-glucan. This fiber traps cholesterol within a gel-like substance
in your intestines. Since the gel cannot be digested, it passes through the
system, carrying the trapped cholesterol with it.
Oats prevent cancer:Is there no end to the health
benefits of oats? How do they prevent cancer? Bile in the large intestine can
be converted by bacteria into secondary bile acids. These acids can damage acids
intestinal walls and lead to cancer. Oats work to bind the acids and prevent
this process. Some other compounds in oats also fight free radicals before issues.
Oats for Weight Loss:
Studies have revealed that starting the day with a nutritious, fiber rich meal
such as oats can help with maintaining a healthy weight. Oats has been found as
having the highest satiety value of all breakfast meals, giving a feeling of
fullness for longer
Oats for Blood pressure:
Individuals who had high blood pressure and oats added to their diet had a
significant reduction in blood pressure as well as the need for anti hypertensive medicine
Oats for Bowel Function:
Oats have a high fiber content.
Fiber is necessary in keeping bowel movements regular. Oats are high in both
soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. It is
spongy and absorbs many times its own weight of liquid. It makes stools heavier
and speeds their passage through the gut, relieving constipation.
Oats for children:
New research suggests that children between ages 2-18 years old who
have a constant intake of oatmeal lowered their risk of obesity. The research
found that the children who ate oatmeal were 50% less likely to become
overweight, when compared to those children that did not eat it.
Oats for Beautiful Skin:
Oats are also an amazing natural
beauty enhancer. They soothe and heal the skin, while reducing inflammation.
Inflammation is one of the number one causes of premature aging, and while it
all starts on the inside, reducing outer inflammation is also necessary for
gorgeously radiant skin.
Because oats are slightly rough, they are one of nature's most amazing
exfoliates. They soften the skin, making it super duper silky smooth. Oats have
actually been clinically shown to help heal dry, itchy skin.
Oats may kill HIV:
The jury is still out on
this one, but there is evidence that oats may disable the HIV virus. Research
to date points to the sapiens, food compounds found in oats as the probable
deterrent to HIV. Imagine if with all the research and money we have spent on
AIDS research, the cure may have been in our morning cereal bowl all along.
Oats for Diabetes:
Speaking of blood sugar, eating
oatmeal can also help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Oatmeal
contains high amounts of magnesium, which help the body to properly use glucose
and secrete insulin. An eight-year trial showed a 19 percent decrease in type 2
diabetes risk in women with a magnesium-rich diet and a 31 percent risk
decrease in women who regularly ate whole grains. Like to enjoy your oatmeal
with milk? Eating low-fat dairy products reduces the risk of diabetes by 13
full of Antioxidants:
Oatmeal contains a special type of
antioxidant called avenanthramide. Avenanthramides fight off free radicals that
attack high-density lipoproteins, or HDL, which is known as the good chorestrol . They also protect LDL cholesterol from oxidizing from
copper, which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
oats recipe: